All About Moscato Wines

Monday, April 12, 2010 by Sarah M.
moscato wines moscato wines bartenura moscato

Connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike know Moscato wines by name – or, more accurately, by names, as the international family of wines is alternately called Muscadel, Muscat, and Moscatel. But nomenclature aside, Moscato wines all feature grapes from the Muscat family – a primarily sweet subset of the Vitis vinifera species. features a selection of sweet Moscato wines from Spain, Italy, and Israel. Lets take a look at some of our favorites:

Sforno Moscato: Bottled in 2006, this Spanish kosher wine features an effervescent vibe accented by mild pear and apple flavors. It pairs nicely with sweet fruit and melon, as well as chocolate mousse and similar dishes.

Carmel Young Moscato: This 2007 wine from Israel’s Samson region is known for its pleasant grape aroma and subtle sparkling texture. Serve chilled at light meals or outdoor picnics – the twist-off cap makes it easy to pour in any setting!

Bartenura Moscato: Finally, to Italy! Produced in 2008, Bartenura Moscato boasts a compelling blend of melon, nectar, pear, and tangerine tastes. Drink with dessert, fruit, or a light plate of appetizers.

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